Integrate Modern Technologies While Developing Mobile App

4 min readAug 2, 2021


In this tech era, building a mobile app is now easy and fun. An individual with minimal tech knowledge can easily build code for an Android and iOS mobile application. In today’s time, there are many technologies and tools available in the market that one can learn and build mobile apps. Almost, every mobile app development company in India incorporates advanced technologies in order to build innovative and feature-rich mobile applications for their clients. Mobile app developers are also taking perks of these technologies in iOS and Android app development.

Over the most recent few years, various new technologies like IoT, Machine Learning, etc., have been presented among the code lover. What’s more, the mobile app developers are refreshing themselves to get more about the new technologies. Thus, these new technologies are making one stride up to make something new in the application world. Consequently, one can build a complex app quickly without investing huge time and money as well. This is the reason why the demand of mobile app development is increasing widely.

Here in this article, we will discuss the five most trending technologies incorporated in android app development.

1. MotionLayout

MotionLayout refers to layout and animation that developers can use to make mobile app UI much better including motion and widget animation in mobile apps. The tool is part of the ConstraintLayout library and is backward-compatible with Android 4.0.

With the library, the team can easily fill the gap between layout transitions and complex motion handling as the tool offers a rich selection of features. MotionLayout not only describes transitions between layouts but also allows animating any layout properties. It also supports seekable transitions, enabling developers to instantly show any point within the transition on the basis of a condition like touch input.

2. Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT (Internet of Things) is the most growing technology that is being used in every industry. The use of this technology in mobile app development is on the rise as users always adopt new technologies that make their life easier. IoT mobile app development is popular among startups and businesses as it manages devices like wireless earphones, smartwatches, and face detection, photos, videos, chats, and artworks. Android app developers are leveraging this technology to smart devices on existing hardware platforms like Raspberry Pi.

3. Machine Learning

Machine learning is also one of the growing technologies. The use of Machine Learning (ML) can be seen everywhere in real life. Whether it is an online shopping app or taxi booking app, Machine Learning integrated app can make your life easier. Mobile apps featuring Machine Learning technology use unstructured data such as images, text, and many other variables to solve problems. Today, the mobile app developer considers advanced technology like Machine Learning to write powerful algorithms to create intelligent apps that can understand human behavior, assist users, and entertain them.

4. Kotlin

Kotlin is the most promising language in today’s time that is widely being used to build apps with advanced features. Using this tool, huge time and cost can be saved in Android app development. Kotlin is faster to write and build code for an app. With the growing status of Kotlin, this first-class Android app platform is set to replace Java as a tool for Android mobile app development.

Kotlin incorporates programming code to native binaries, killing the requirement for a virtual machine. Developers can likewise integrate it with JavaScript source code utilizing Kotlin’s native standard library and compiler infrastructure.

Kotlin offers various advanced features to make an app appealing and feature-rich.

If you have been using Java before, you will only require a Kotlin plugin to change files written in the former language to Kotlin in your IntelliJ or Android Studio.

5. Google Assistant

It is also the best technology that is being used in the mobile app to make app usability more easy and fast. If you are planning to build a utility app like a Music app, Shopping app, etc., then you can use this technology to make your app stand apart. Google Assistant works when users send voice commands to voice-activated device control to search for anything or ask anything. It works when the user says “OK Google” or “Hey Google” wake words. It is designed to provide you conversational interactions.


The new technology for mobile app has completely changed the landscape of mobile app development. Everyone wants mobile apps that make their day-to-day task easier and quicker. Thus businesses and startups have started working on it in order to provide their user a unique experience.

These startups and companies are also using robust technologies like Ruby and Python to develop mobile apps.

If you want to build a mobile app with these technologies then you can hire a mobile app developer or the best mobile app development company in India who can provide you best mobile app development services.

